설치류용 마커

개체식별기 이미지

설치류용 마커

  • 제품 소개

    The Animal Maker was developed for easy, long lasting
    identification of laboratory animals. It is intended for use
    on the fur, not on the skin. (black animals excluded)

  • 특 징

    · Nontoxic and devoid of any hazardous materials

    · A single maker can be used to mark 300-500 rats (depending upon animal size and/or applied area).

    · Once applied, colors remain for 6-12 weeks.

    · Broad and Fine tip Makers available.

    · Unlike permanent makers and art markers which can contain chemicals harmful to animals,
    Animal Maker use “legal pigments”, which are approved and regulated by the Japanese
    Ministry of Health, Labor and welfare, for use in food, drugs and cosmetics. These pigment are nontoxicand devoid of any hazardous materials.

  • 주 의

    ※ CAUTION : Colors can stain skin and clothing. The use of gloves and lab coats is recommended.